Dasha Lukyanenko
Date of Birth 16 March 2003
City of living Tyumen
Diagnosis alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma IV degree
We need to raise money for medical treatment abroad. Negotiations with
different clinics are being carried on. Estimated cost of treatment 8 000 000 rub.
The amount raised today: 7 345 650 rub., 165 eur., 12 100 usd.
Chronicle of events.
September 1, 2010.
Dasha went to grade 1. She went to school without pleasure, with tears, all the time complaining about noisy kids and headache. A visit to a neurologist and clinical surveys (echo, rheoencephalography) did not reveal anything special.
The first days of the new year were as usual. Dasha didn’t complain of headache. She was getting used to classes at school. During the breaks she was lively. The teacher even called her a cheerful girl.
January 21.
The lymph node under Dasha’s ear inflamed.
February 4.
The lymph node was removed. Biopsy was done.
February 9.
The first MRT examination was carried out. Clinical conclusion – ‘MR pattern of solid formation in soft tissues of the neck, pattern of the temporal fossa with multiple MTS secondary formations in the bones, lungs and lymh nodes. . Neuroblastoma? Carcinoma?’ During the week the diagnosis couldn’t be arrived at, as the biopsy samples taken during the operation were of poor quality..
Decision to go to Moscow was made immediately. Therefore, it was reasonable to do biopsy re-examination in Moscow.
February 14.
We flew to Moscow with an appointment card to the RCRC n.a N.N. Blokhin. Despite the serious condition of the girl (at that time she couldn’t walk well enough, she was complaining about pain in her back and lungs), she couldn’t be hospitalized without a clinical diagnosis. Dasha had been examined for the whole week.
February 17
Doctors arrived at the provisional diagnosis - embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. We were denied to hospitalization.
February 18
On the recommendation of physicians in the Cancer Center we applied for the SPC of assistance children in Solntsevo. We were not denied here and were hospitalized.Now Dasha is undergoing the second chemotherapy cycle. Afterwards there will be another examination.
The current state of the child is stable. There is no visible deterioration, except for the soft tissue injuries in the neck. There are injuries in the spine bones and lower jaw bones.The right side of her face is numb. She finds it difficult to chew, speak and smile. Dasha mostly lies. For rare walks she has to put a thoracolumbar corset. Doctors say that the spine bones might recover themselves. Plastic surgery will be needed to restore the jaw.But it will be later.Now the main task is to clear Dasha’s body of bad cells.
Taking into consideration the super-serious diagnosis, Dasha’s state (while the child is stable, there is no apparent deterioration and while our chances are still high) and the experience of people who faced with such a disease, we have made up our mind to apply to foreign clinics for medical treatment.
Updating the latest news on Dasha’s condition and on treatment decisions appears in the news block at the Russian version site.